Purchase to Pay Automation:
seamless payments processing

Centralise information into a single location to optimise invoice processing, auditing and more

Accelerate your Accounts Payable

Tracking supplier invoices in varying formats can be onerous work: paperwork, emails & purchase orders need to be matched, approved by the right people, and processed into your finance system. With DocMX, simplify this process:

70% transactions automated, no more manual input

Paper or email invoices scanned/uploaded into DocMX, data is automatically captured, checked and reconciled with purchase orders or delivery notes, then routed to the relevant employees for approval, with all related documentation accessible on a click.

Automated approvals - no more paper shuffling

Intelligent rules determine validation and exception handling: if within Hilton validation criteria, invoices are written to your finance system without needing to waste management time.

Retrieve anytime

On workflow completion, the invoice data is exported to your financial system. All data is safely stored on DocMX and instantly accessible anytime.

Gain visibility

Approval pathways are auditable and transparent. Status can be tracked on the Control Centre dashboard for performance improvement and financial reporting is readily available to designated personnel.  

Gain full control and compliance

Save time & money

Do more with less. Reap very concrete financial benefits. Eliminate printing of reports, cancel printer/copier leases, save management time, share resources across several properties where possible.

Full audit trail

The process is fully auditable: each invoice, approval and payment is traceable, to ensure compliance with internal policy, tax and regulatory requirements.


Bring in the best practices of information security into your financial approval processes: DocMX is ISO-certified to comply with the highest security standards in the cloud.  

Limited access

Access is strictly managed: only authorised personnel see sensitive financial information. Grant external users limited access, minimising the need for staff to pull files for status updates. 

DocMX is a tool that enhances control, productivity and also promotes sustainability, being a paperless system. The team (both operations and finance) no longer have to search and worry about missing documents or incomplete control processes; which enables the team to focus more on business partnering.

We now can’t imagine working in an environment that does not have DocMX.

Peter Toi

Director of Finance, Conrad Centennial Singapore


Get in touch

You will hear back from one of our senior experts who has worked with Hilton group for many years.